08 maio 2024



Miami Murder Mystery

Last night Lewis Meyer died at his home in Miami. Phil Fork, a police detective, was the first person to arrive at the house after Mr. Meyer died. This is what he found:



Mr. Meyer’s wife, Margo, told Fork: “It was an accident. My husband took a shower at about 10 p.m. After his shower, he slipped on a piece of soap and fell down”.


Do you believe her?

What probably happened?

Look at the picture and work with a partner. Decide whether the following statements are probably true (T) or probably false (F). Be ready to share your answers with your classmates and to explain your choices.

1. Mr. Meyer died after Phil Fork arrived.

2. Mr. Meyer died when Phil Fork arrived.

3. Mr. Meyer died before Phil Fork arrived.

4. Mr. Meyer brushed his teeth before he died.

5. Mr. Meyer was brushing his teeth when he died.

6. Mr. Meyer was taking a shower when he died.

7. Mr. Meyer took a shower before he died.

8. Mr. Meyer died when he slipped on a piece of soap.

9. Somebody hit Mr. Meyer over the head while he was brushing his teeth.

10. The murder weapon is still in the bathroom.


You are the detective. In your opinion, how did Mr. Meyer die?

With your partner, use the picture and your answers above to try to solve the mystery. Make as many guesses as you like. For example: We think somebody killed Mr. Meyer while he was brushing his teeth. This is how it happened... Be ready to share your ideas with the rest of the class. Write your ideas here:



Get together with a partner and complete this newspaper report of Mr. Meyer’s murder. Use information from the Opening Task and your own ideas about what happened to help you.



Make meaningful statements about Mr. Meyer’s murder by matching information from A with information from B. The first one has been done for you.



Check the sentence closest in meaning to each statement.

1. While Mr. Meyer was brushing his teeth, someone entered the room.

(a) Mr. Meyer finished brushing his teeth before someone entered.

(b) Mr. Meyer was alone when he started brushing his teeth.

2. When he got Mrs. Meyer’s call, Phil Fork left his office and drove to her house.

(a) Mrs. Meyer called before Phil Fork left his office.

(b) Mrs. Meyer called after Phil Fork left his office.

3. As soon as he got into his car, he took out a cigarette and lit it.

(a) He was smoking when he got into the car.

(b) He started to smoke after he got into his car.

4. While Fork was driving to the Meyers’ house, he was listening to his favorite opera on the radio.

(a) He drove his car and listened to the radio at the same time.

(b) He turned on the radio when he reached the Meyers’ house.

5. When he got there, a number of police officers were searching the house for clues.

(a) They started when he got there.

(b) They started before he got there.

6. As soon as Fork started to question Mrs. Meyer, she burst into tears.

(a) She was crying when he started to question her.

(b) She started to cry when he began to question her.

7. Phil Fork carefully reviewed all his notes when he went home.

(a) He went home first.

(b) He reviewed his notes first.

a) Em certo inverno, o Sol não apareceu, dando lugar à escuridão; no entanto, quando ele voltou a surgir, trouxe novamente “vida” aos habitantes da Savana.

b) Foi usado o substantivo família.

c) As palavras pobre e uma.

d) A palavra uma.

e) A palavra uma pertence à classe dos artigos, que acompanham o substantivo.

f) No início do conto, a família ainda não havia sido citada, ou seja, ela não era do conhecimento do leitor; por isso foi empregado o artigo indefinido uma como forma de apresentação.

g) Nesse caso, a família mencionada já havia sido apresentada, isto é, já era conhecida na história. Por isso, o artigo definido é usado para se referir especificamente àquela família.

h) O artigo os acompanha o substantivo meninos; o artigo o acompanha o substantivo mar; o segundo artigo o acompanha o substantivo rio; o segundo artigo os acompanha o substantivo rios; por fim, o terceiro artigo os acompanha o substantivo ventres.

i) O som do búzio remete ao som das águas e permite que os meninos sonhem e imaginem, pois entram em contato com a natureza e toda a sua grandeza.

j) Os substantivos rei e rainha.

k) Empregou-se o artigo definido o para concordar com o substantivo rei, e o artigo definido a para concordar com o substantivo rainha.

l) O artigo indefinido é um, e o substantivo acompanhado por ele é reino.

m) Como o próprio texto evidencia, tratava-se de um reino que era desconhecido.

n) O artigo definido os está no masculino plural para concordar com o substantivo acompanhado por ele: encantos.

o) O sentido da frase não seria alterado porque a ausência do artigo uma mantém a ideia de indefinição.

q) Sim, pois o artigo a determina o substantivo tartaruga. Tal definição se perderia sem a presença desse artigo.


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