27 abril 2024


1. Read the pair of statements. Decide the probable order of the events and write the numbers. Finally, combine the statements to make one sentence using because. Make changes if necessary.

MODEL: My ankle swelled up. (2nd)          I played soccer. (1st)                        

My ankle swelled up because I had played soccer.                             


a) His father left home earlier. (x)                He went to school on foot. (x)

b) Carmen was sad. (x)                               She failed her math test. (x)

c) We didn’t have lunch. (x)                        We were extremely hungry. (x)

d) Anthony couldn’t sleep. (x)                     He drank lots of coffee in the evening. (x)

e) Lily studied hard for the test. (x)             She thought the test was easy. (x)

2. Here are some sentences taken from books and newspapers. Complete them with from the boxes, using the past perfect progressive.

cry expect hold see sit think wait

a) She fetched herself a packet of sandwiches from the counter and then came back to where she ___.

b) My next call was to the company that ___ some of my things in storage, just to warn them that I was coming round.

c) And since her birthday, she ___ more of Dionne than she had for years

d) Olive ___ so many horrors that hearing the question she almost laughed with relief.

e) It was the music that brought me in from the hall where I ___.

f) For along long time I ___ of getting out of that awful place.

g) Exerybody was looking at me. And I simply couldn’t explain why ___.

3. Cecilia is a Mexican who has been living in the USA. Based on her life story, complete the statements by using the Past Perfect tense and the words in parentheses.


a) My mother and I moved to the USA in 2009. My father __________(be there / for)

b) My father was transferred to England in 2011. He __________ (work in the USA / since)

c) My parents divorced in 2012. They __________. (be married / for)

d) My mother quit her job as a teacher in 2014. She __________(work as a teacher / since)

e) My mother married an American professor in 2014. She __________. (be divorced / for)

f) I married Jeff in 2018. We __________. (know each other / for)

g) My son was born in 2020. It __________.  (be one year / since)


4. Rewrite the sentences using the past perfect continuous and the cues given.

a) I was watching your wedding DVD when everybody arrived. (half an hour)

b) Lucy was wrting an e-mail when her friend called her. (75 minutes)

c) We were reading résumés when the manager came to my room. (10 minutes)

d) I was using my GPS receiver when I arrived at your home. (2 hours)


1. a) Verbos intransitivos: levantou, entrou, voltou, dirigiu-se, tossiu e pagar. / Verbos transitivos: pegou, escancarou, abriu, encheu, depositou, pousou, acendeu, convocou, resmunga e abre.

b) São objetos diretos.

2. a) Respostas possíveis: De manhãzinha, desliguei/liguei/derrubei/ apertei o despertador.

b) O termo tem função de objeto direto, porque completa o sentido do verbo transitivo, ao qual se liga sem intermédio de preposição.

3. a) O verbo dá (dar).

b) No 1º quadrinho, o termo pipoca é objeto direto. No 2º quadrinho, os termos cachorro-quente, pizza, chocolate, pirulito e balas funcionam como objeto direto.

c) No último quadrinho, o verbo é empregado como transitivo direto e indireto. Seu objeto direto é “um aumento” e seu objeto indireto é pro “meu pai”.

4. Provavelmente, o pai de Magali respondeu que não tinha dinheiro suficiente para comprar tudo que ela pedira.

5. a) O complemento nominal é “da felicidade”.

b) É classificado assim porque completa o sentido de um substantivo com significação transitiva: procura.

6. Leia este anúncio publicitário.

a) A expressão é “de crianças e adolescentes”.

b) Refere-se ao termo exploração e é classificado como substantivo.

7.  São complementos nominais. Completam o sentido dos termos lesivas, independentemente e obrigação, respectivamente.


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