17 dezembro 2023



Today’s Horoscope for Pisces

It’s frustrating when work gets in the way of romance and social activities. This is what you feel today, Pisces. Your thoughts are on your evening and weekend activities, but your obligations are on your desk. Don’t despair. Simply make a commitment to do what’s expected of you. Enjoy yourself this evening, secure in the knowledge that you’ve fulfilled your obligations.

Disponível em: www.horoscope.com/us/horoscopes/general/ horoscope-general-daily-today.aspx?sign=12


De acordo com o horóscopo, os nascidos sob o signo de Peixes estão nesse dia

a) divididos entre a diversão e as suas obrigações.

b) incapacitados de fazer o trabalho que se espera deles.

c) frustrados por trabalharem demais, sem tempo para o romance.

d) desesperados por terem tantos compromissos impossíveis de cumprir.

e) com a mente voltada somente para o prazer noturno e de fim de semana.



“The sun is shining bright outside. If you ___

Mark the option that can logically finish the sentence given:

a) sat in the sun you got burned.

b) will sit in the sun, you would get burned.

c) sit in the sun, you’ll get burned.

d) are sitting in the sun, you got burned.

e) sits in the sun, you get burned.



Look at the picture then complete correctly the sentence.

Look! He is holding a ring in his hand. In a few seconds, he…

a) is proposing to her.

b) proposes to her.

c) is going to propose to her.

d) propose to her.

e) proposed to her.



Mark the option that logically fills the blank in the sentence below:

The man in the meme is going to have a problem in the ___ future.

a) practitioner

b) foreseeable

c) demanding

d) undergoing

e) sustainable



What should I do if I lose my passport in a foreign country?

You will have to replace your passport before returning home. Brazilian citizens may contact the nearest Brazilian consulate or embassy for assistance.

Mark the most probable sentence to continue the instructions above.

a) Provided that you can prove you are a Brazilian citizen, you will get a temporary passport to return home.

b) You must prove that you are a Brazilian citizen. Otherwise, a temporary passport will be produced.

c) A temporary passport will be produced for you unless you can prove you are a Brazilian citizen.

d) If you cannot prove you are a Brazilian citizen, a temporary passport will be produced for you.

e) You will get a temporary passport as long as you cannot prove that you are a Brazilian citizen.


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