17 dezembro 2023



The Battle of the Alamo

On February 23, 1836, Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna ___ a siege of the Alamo Mission (near the present-day Texan city of San Antonio), which ___ occupied by rebel Texas forces since December. An army of over 1,000 Mexican soldiers began descending on the fort and setting up artillery.

Despite being clearly outnumbered, Alamo co-commanders James Bowie and William Travis ___ on remaining in place. The volunteer soldiers defending the Alamo included doctors and farmers, as well as Tennessee frontiersman and Congressman Davy Crockett, who fought in the Tennessee militia.

The final attack came before dawn on March 6. Mexican troops breached the north wall and flooded into the compound, surprising many of the Texans inside, who ___.

The fighting lasted 90 minutes, some of it hand-to-hand combat. Bowie and Travis were killed, as was Crockett. Several Texans reportedly surrendered, but Santa Anna ordered all prisoners be executed.

Adapted from This Day in History. The Battle of the Alamo Comes to an End. Available at: www.history.com/this-day-in-history/alamo-texas-battle-ends.


Mark the option that correctly fills in the blanks in the text, respectively:

a) had ordered – have been – were insisting – was sleeping

b) ordered – was – had insisted – were sleeping

c) ordered – had been – insisted – had been sleeping

d) was ordering – had been – insisted – slept

e) ordered – has been – have insisted – had slept



Marissa: Why is Andrew so upset with me? What have I done to him? I ___ said something wrong, but I can’t remember what it was.

Marissa is wondering what went wrong. Complete her thought with one of the options below:

a) must have

b) had already

c) should have

d) will have

e) sure had



I told my father that I had gotten another bad grade in physics. He was not angry, but he gave me no choice but to change my weekly schedule. Now I’ll have to stop going to the gym every day and focus on catching up with my studies.


Mark the option that means the same as the underlined part of the student’s account:

a) requested me

b) answered me

c) asked me

d) made me

e) got me



Music market. Even worse: The new-music market is actually shrinking. The best-selling physical format in music is the vinyl LP, which is more than 70 years old. I’ve seen no signs that the record labels are investing in a newer, better alternative – ___, here too, old is viewed as superior to new.

___, record labels – once a source of innovation in consumer products – don’t spend any money on research and development to revitalize their business,

___ every other industry looks to innovation for growth and consumer excitement.

Record stores are caught up in the same time warp. In an earlier era, they aggressively marketed new music, ___ now they make more money from vinyl reissues and used LPs.

Excerpted from: www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/01/old-music-killing-new-music/621339


Mark the option that logically completes the text respectively:

a) at the same time – Obviously – when – so

b) since – In addition – moreover – after all

c) while – Such as – despite – because

d) even though – However – so – and

e) because – In fact – although – but




The Tales of Beedle the Bard is a collection of stories written for young wizards and witches. They have been popular bedtime reading for centuries, with the result that the Hopping Pot and the Fountain of Fair Fortune are as familiar to many of the students at Hogwarts as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are to Muggle (nonmagical) children.

Beedle’s stories resemble our fairy tales in many respects; for instance, virtue is usually rewarded, and wickedness punished. However, here is one very obvious difference. In Muggle fairy tales, magic tends to lie at the root of the hero or heroine’s troubles – the wicked witch has poisoned the apple, or put the princess into a hundred years’ sleep, or turned the prince into a hideous beast. In The Tales of Beedle the Bard, on the other hand, we meet heroes and heroines who can perform magic themselves, and yet find it just as hard to solve their problems as we do. Beedle’s stories have helped generations of wizarding parents to explain this painful fact of life to their young children: that magic causes as much trouble as it cures. […]

ROWLING, J. K. The Tales of Beedle the Bard. London: Lumos. 2012. p. xi-xii.


Analyze the connective expressions highlighted from the text. According to their functions on the context, mark the only correct alternative:

a) 1. consequence, 2. exemplification, 3. opposition, 4. contrast, 5. addition, 6. opposition.

b) 1. result, 2. enumeration, 3. consequence, 4. reason, 5. emphasis, 6. opposition.

c) 1. opposition, 2. cause, 3. reason, 4. result, 5. addition, 6. contrast.

d) 1. cause, 2. condition, 3. exemplification, 4. contrast, 5. inclusion, 6. consequence.

e) 1. consequence, 2. condition, 3. opposition, 4. contrast, 5. addition, 6. cause.


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