17 dezembro 2023



Fat is an important part of your diet. Fat helps your body grow and develop, and may even keep your skin and hair healthy. But fats have more calories per gram than protein or carbs, and some are not healthy.

Some fats, such as oils that come from plants and are liquid at room temperature, are better for you than other fats. Foods that contain healthy oils include avocados, olives, nuts, seeds, and seafood such as salmon and tuna fish.

Solid fats such as butter, stick margarine, and lard, are solid at room temperature. These fats often contain saturated and trans fats, which are not healthy for you. Other foods with saturated fats include fatty meats, and cheese and other dairy products made from whole milk. Take it easy on foods like fried chicken, cheeseburgers, and fries, which often have a lot of saturated and trans fats. […]

Your body needs a small amount of sodium, which is mostly found in salt. But getting too much sodium from your foods and drinks can raise your blood pressure, which is unhealthy for your heart and your body in general. Even though you’re a teen, it’s important to pay attention to your blood pressure and heart health now to prevent health problems as you get older.

Try to consume less than 2 300 mg, or no more than 1 teaspoon, of sodium a day. This amount includes the salt in already prepared food, as well as the salt you add when cooking or eating your food.

Processed foods, like those that are canned or packaged, often have more sodium than unprocessed foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. When you can, choose fresh or frozen fruits and veggies over processed foods. Try adding herbs and spices instead of salt to season your food if you make your own meals. Remember to rinse canned vegetables with water to remove extra salt. If you use packaged foods, check the amount of sodium listed on the Nutrition Facts label. […]

KELLY, Aaron. Take Charge of Your Health: A Guide for Teenagers. Disponível em: www.niddk.nih.gov/healthinformation/weight-management/take-charge-healthguide- teenagers.


I. Both fat and sodium are essential nutrients to our health. However, teenagers should consume small amounts of them.

II. Fats that come from plants and seafood help teenagers grow and develop, keeping their skin and hair healthy.

III. Dairy products are good sources of healthy fats, and teenagers should eat them at room temperature.

IV. The maximum recommended daily consumption of sodium does not consider the salt added to food when we are preparing it.

V. In order to consume less sodium, choosing fresh food over canned or packaged food is a good option.


The text above is part of a guide of healthy habits for teenagers published by the British government. Read the extract and the statements about it, then choose the correct alternative:

a) All the statements are correct.

b) Only statement I is correct.

c) Statements I, II, and V are correct.

d) Statements II, III, and IV are correct.

e) All the statements are incorrect.



We’ve all heard Albert Einstein’s famous line: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

As it turns out, insanity might be crediting that quote to Einstein over and over again. He never said it. Misattributions like this happen pretty often. One person quotes someone else without a shoutout, and all of a sudden, they become the original speaker. […]

“The ends justify the means.” – not Niccolo Machiavelli

In “Heroides II,” the Roman poet Ovid writes, “Exitus acta probat,” which translates as “the outcome justifies the means.” The closest Machiavelli comes to this idea, according to the Christian Science Monitor, occurs in “The Prince.” He argues that people will always consider a prince’s means as honest and praise him.

Considering he dedicated the book to the Medici family, who later arrested and tortured him, Machiavelli may have written the entire book satirically.

STERBENZ, Christina. 12 Famous Quotes That Always Get Misattributed. Disponível em: www.businessinsider.com/misattributed-quotes-2013-10.


Read the extract of an article about quotes that were wrongly attributed to some famous people. Then choose the speaker’s attitude towards the action expressed by the modal verb structures underlined in the passage:

a) Speculate about the present and the past.

b) Discuss abilities in the present and the past.

c) Express obligations in the present and the past.

d) Make polite requests in the present and the past.

e) Give advice in the present and the past.



What have you been doing?

Since I write a lot about positive body image, you’d think that I am well over the idea that weight should be something that I allow to define my life. Yet, the vestiges of my past life as a woman obsessed with weight still linger. A good example is vacation pictures. If I show you pictures of all the places I have been in my Iife, I can give you minute details about the place itself, the food, the sights and the weather. I can also tell you something else simply by looking at those pictures: the exact number on the scale I was at that particular time in my life.

Sometimes my past catches up with me. I like to think of myself as a recovering weight-a-holic.

The fear of being overweight is a constant one of despair at not being personally successful in controlling your own body. What good is being in control of finances, major companies and businesses if you’re not in control of your body?! Silly idea, right? And yet that is exactly the unconscious thought many intelligent women have.

Feeling satisfied with your appearance makes a tremendous amount of difference in how you present yourself to the world. Some women live their entire lives on their perception of their physical selves. But I’ve been there, done that. The hell with that idea! Personally, I became tired of living my Iife this way.

Bristen Houghton. Adaptado de: twitter.com


The underlined expression refers to the author’s experiencing the situation described below:

a) taking vacation pictures

b) worrying too much about her weight

c) being happy with her condition

d) worrying about her appearance

e) feeling comfortable about her past


The Maasai Mara National Park.


This park is the epitome of a quintessential African wildlife reserve and is home to a variety of impressive wildlife.

The Maasai Mara National Park is perhaps most famous for The Great Migration, when hundreds of thousands of animals flock to and from there each year.

This safari is still one of my favorite travel memories and one of the best experiences I’ve ___ had.

Being so close to the wild animals in their natural habitat was exhilarating, mesmerizing and humbling and has left me in awe ___ since. My safari experience at the Maasai Mara National Park has me even more convinced that nature and animals are amazing and should be respected. […]



Neha : To be honest, I haven’t been to any of these ___. I will go back and revisit my travel plans now that you have shown me these wonderful destinations. […]

Marlies: Beautiful places. I have ___ seen a couple places from this list but I think my list just got a bit longer because of yours. haha.

WESSELMAN, Sanne. Incredible Bucket List Destinations for Once in a Lifetime Trips. Available at: https://www.spendlifetraveling.com/ultimate-bucket-list-once-in-lifetime-destinations/#more-2424


Read part of an article about bucket list destinations, with a suggested destination and comments from two readers. Choose the option with the correct words to complete the text:

a) never, ever, yet, already

b) already, yet, never, ever

c) ever, ever, yet, already

d) ever, never, already, yet

e) already, ever, never, yet



Maya Angelou is hailed as one of the great voices of American literature and as a remarkable Renaissance woman. Being a poet, educator, historian, best-selling author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director, Dr. Angelou continues to travel the world making appearances, and spreading her legendary wisdom.

Born April 4, 1928 in Saint Louis, Missouri, Maya Angelou’s given name was Marguerite Johnson. In her early twenties she was given the name Maya Angelou after her debut performance as a dancer at the Purple Onion Cabaret. The author’s father, Bailey Johnson, was a naval dietician, and her mother was Vivian Johnson. She has one sibling, a brother named Bailey after their father. When she was about three years old, their parents divorced and the children were sent to live with their grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas. Angelou claims that her grandmother, whom she called “momma”, had a deep-brooding love that hung over everything she touched. Growing up in Stamps, Angelou learned what it was like to be a black girl in a world whose boundaries were set by whites. She learned what it meant to have to wear old hand-me-downs from a white woman. And she also learned the humiliation of being refused treatment by a white dentist. As a child, she always dreamed of waking to find her “nappy black hair” metamorphosed to a long blond bob, because she felt life was better for a white girl than for a black girl. Despite the odds, her grandmother instilled pride in Angelou with religion as an important element in their home.

After five years of being apart from their mother, the children were sent back to Saint Louis to be with her. This move eventually took a turn for the worst, when Angelou was raped by her mother’s boyfriend. The devastating act of violence committed against her caused her to become mute for nearly five years. She was sent back to Stamps because no one could handle the grim state Angelou was in. With the constant help of a woman named Mrs. Flowers, Angelou began to evolve into the young girl who had possessed the pride and confidence she once had. Again in 1940, her brother and her were sent to San Francisco to live with their mother. Life with her mother was a constant disorder. Living with her mother soon became too much for her, so she ran away to be with her father and his girlfriend in their rundown trailer. Finding that life with him was no better, she ended up living in a graveyard of wrecked cars that mainly housed homeless children. It took her a month to get back home to her mother. Angelou’s dysfunctional childhood, spent moving back and forth between her mother and grandmother, caused her to struggle with maturity. She became determined to prove she was a woman and began to rush toward maturity. Angelou soon found herself pregnant, and at the age of sixteen she delivered her son, Guy.

http:voices.cla.umn.edu vg


Consider the following information:

1) The city where Maya Angelou was born.

2) The number of dancing presentations she carried out before she was given a new name.

3) The number of brothers and sisters Angelou had.

4) The reason Angelou’s parents divorced.

5) The relative with whom Angelou went to live after her parents divorced.

6) The occupation Angelou had at the Purple Onion cabaret.

7) The amount of money she used to earn at the Purple Onion cabaret.

8) The church Angelou attended while living with her grandmother.


Which information is present in the text?

a) 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.

b) 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8.

c) 2, 4, 6 and 7.

d) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

e) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

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