Chinese zodiac
Differently from Western culture that considers 12 zodiac signs that change every month, each Chinese sign lasts for a year. Out of several legends that account for that, one of them tells us about “The race for the Chinese Zodiac”. According to it, the Jade Emperor, ruler of Heaven and Earth, assigned the following challenge to all the animals: the first 12 animals to cross the river would each have a year named after them.
The animals crossed the water, each in its own way.
The tiger had no trouble swimming and struck out into the river with its
powerful paws. Smaller creatures, however, had to form alliances: the rat and
the cat were very good friends. They did everything together. “Take us across
on your back, Ox, and we will show you the way.” The ox agreed, and they
climbed on board.
By that time, the rat and the cat were seen as friends, but in the middle of the river, the rat pushed the cat off the ox’s back. As the creatures made it to shore, they “received” a year in the order in which they arrived. Because of the rat’s cruelty, the cat was left out, and that is why cats have hated rats ever since.
- Check the sentences (T) true or (F) false according to
the text. Write the excerpt that confirms it.
1. ( ) You have 12 different western signs during the
same period of one Chinese zodiac sign.
2. ( ) The only story that is known is about the race
to cross the river.
3. ( ) The cat didn’t cross the river because he didn’t
know how to swim.
4. ( ) The cat never
forgave the rat, and since the race they are enemies.
- Name the animals that are part of the Chinese hororscope.
- Look at the characteristics of each sign. Talk to a partner saying if you agree or disagree, and justify.