26 dezembro 2022


1. In which country is the traditional musical wedding march called the “Zaffa” performed?

(   ) Turkey                                        

(   ) Egypt.                                         

(   ) Nigeria

2. How long does a traditional Moroccan wedding ceremony usually last?

(   ) 4-7 days.                                     

(   ) 7-10 days.                                   

(   ) 4-7 hours.

3. What color signifies happiness when used in a wedding in China?

(   ) red                                               

(   ) purple                                         

(   ) green

4. In what country is the bride-to-be painted in pure white from head to toe?

(   ) Dominican Republic                  

(   ) Angola                                        

(   ) Japan

5. What color is it custom for an Israeli bride to wear with her wedding dress?

(   ) gray                                            

(   ) blue                                             

(   ) black

6. In what country might the friends of the bride plant a tree in her yard and decorate it with ribbons and painted eggshells?

(   ) Czech Republic                           

(   ) Poland                                        

(   ) Syria

7. In which country are church weddings not considered official?

(   ) Hungary                                      

(   ) Germany                                     

(   ) Russia

8. The custom of the bride wearing a white wedding gown began in which country?

(   ) England                                      

(   ) France                                         

(   ) Italy

9. In ancient times brides from which country wore wedding veils of yellow or red which represented fire?

(   ) Greece                                        

(   ) Portugal                                      

(   ) Morocco

10. In early American weddings what accessory would brides wear with their wedding gowns?

(   ) bracelet                                       

(   ) veil                                              

(   ) gloves

11. In which of the following would a priest performing the wedding ceremony bless a plate of coins and give them to the groom?

(   ) Puerto Rico                                

(   ) Guatemala                                  

(   ) Honduras

12. In which country does the mother of the groom and the father of the bride escort the couple down the aisle and stand next to them during the ceremony?

(   ) Surinam                                      

(   ) Ecuador                                      

(   ) Argentina

13. What is placed on top of a wedding cake in Bermuda?

(   ) A tiny sapling                             

(   ) a baby chick                               

(   ) wild flowers        

14.  In which country is it a custom to build an arch of pine branches in front of the bride’s family home?

(   ) Norway                                      

(   ) Denmark                                     

(   ) Finland

15. In which country might you find a piñata hanging from the ceiling?

(   ) Paraguay                                     

(   ) Spain                                          

(   ) Mexico


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