25 dezembro 2022


* In the passive, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of a passive verb.

* The “by phrase” is used only it is important to know who performed the action. In the first example it is important to know who founded Microsoft, so “by Bill Gates and Paul Allen” is used. In the second example, however, “by them” is omitted because it is not important to say who will sort out the numbers.

ACTIVE                                                                    PASSIVE

Mary writes poems.                                                Poems are written by Mary.

Mary is writing poems.                                          Poems are being written by Mary.

Mary wrote poems.                                                 Poems were written by Mary.

Mary was writing poems.                                       Poems were being written by Mary.

Mary will write poems.                                          Poems will be written by Mary.

Mary is going to write poems.                                Poems are going to be written by Mary.

Mary can write poems.                                           Poems can be written by Mary.

Mary should write poems.                                      Poems should be written by Mary.



When to use the passive

* When the object of an active sentence is more important than the subject. If you say “Frank O. Gehry designed the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao”, you are more interested in what Frank O. Gehry did; he is the important part of what you want to say. Now if you say, “The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao was designed by Frank O. Gehry”, the main focus is on the museum.

* When we don’t know who performed the action. Three banks were robbed last week.

* When it is preferable not to mention the performer.

1. In which country is the traditional musical wedding march called the “Zaffa” performed? Egypt. They have traditional Egyptian music, belly dancers, drum horns and performers with flaming swords. Egyptians also believe that the ring finger has the “vein amoris”, the vein of love, which runs straight to the heart.

2. How long does a traditional Moroccan wedding ceremony usually last? Four to seven days. After the couple say their vows, and before the new bride can become the mistress of her new home, she must walk around her house three times.

3. What color signifies happiness when used in a wedding in China? Red. Red signifies love, joy and prosperity and is used in several different ways in Chinese wedding traditions. The homes of both the bride and groom are usually decorated in red on their wedding day.

4. In what country is the bride-to-be painted in pure white from head to toe? Japan. This is done to show the bride's maiden status to the gods.

5. What color is it custom for an Israeli bride to wear with her wedding dress? Blue. This custom originated in ancient Israel. The bride would wear a blue ribbon to symbolize her fidelity.

6. In what country might the friends of the bride plant a tree in her yard and decorate it with ribbons and painted eggshells? Czech Republic. According to legend it is believed that the bride would live as long as the tree. The night before her wedding her friends also give the bride a crown of rosemary to represent wisdom, love, loyalty, and remembrance.

7. In which country are church weddings not considered official? Russia. Couples wanting to get married must exchange vows at a Russian marriage civil ceremony. The bride and groom are given bread and salt to symbolize health, prosperity, and long life.

8. The custom of the bride wearing a white wedding gown began in which country? France. This tradition began several hundred years ago. The French also started the tradition of the hope chest.

9. In ancient times brides from which country wore wedding veils of yellow or red which represented fire? Greece. These colorful veils were supposed to ward off evil spirits and demons.

10. In early American weddings what accessory would brides wear with their wedding gowns? Gloves. The gloves were symbols of modesty and romance. Take the ‘g’ away and you have a ‘pair of loves’.

11. In which of the following would a priest performing the wedding ceremony bless a plate of coins and give them to the groom? Puerto Rico. After the couple exchanges vows the groom give the plate of coins to his bride, which she keeps as a present from her husband. The coins represent good luck and prosperity for the newlyweds.

12. In which country does the mother of the groom and the father of the bride escort the couple down the aisle and stand next to them during the ceremony? Argentina. Bridesmaids, a maid of honor, or a best man are not part of a traditional wedding in Argentina.

13. What is placed on top of a wedding cake in Bermuda? A tiny sapling. After the wedding, the newlyweds plant the young tree and watch it grow as their marriage grows.

14.  In which country is it a custom to build an arch of pine branches in front of the bride’s family home? Denmark. This arch is called the Gate of Honor. When a couple celebrates their silver anniversary another Gate of Honor is built.

15. In which country might you find a piñata hanging from the ceiling? Mexico. It is usually shaped as a heart or an animal. Children swat at the piñata and the treats are shared by all the guests.


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