17 dezembro 2023


- Choose the best answer

1. What is the main topic of the video?

a. The importance of protecting biodiversity hotspots.

b. How to save the entire planet all at once.

c. The history of conservation efforts.

d. The role of plants in supporting ecosystems.


2. According to the video, why do we need to focus on biodiversity hotspots?

a. Because they have the highest number of species.

b. Because they are the most threatened areas on Earth.

c. Because they are interconnected with other habitats.

d. Because they have unique and irreplaceable species.


3. What are the two main criteria for a place to be recognized as a biodiversity hotspot?

a. 1500 endemic species of plants and less than 30% of the original habitat lost.

b. 1000 endemic species of plants and more than 70% of the original habitat lost.

c. 1500 endemic species of plants and more than 70% of the original habitat lost.

d. 1000 endemic species of plants and less than 30% of the original habitat lost.


4. Why are plants crucial in terrestrial environments?

a. They attract other life forms.

b. They provide shelter for animals.

c. They are the primary producers in food webs.

d. They help maintain the stability of ecosystems.


5. What does the term “endemism” refer to?

a. The measure of how unique and irreplaceable something is.

b. The population of tortoises on the Galapagos Islands.

c. The number of species found in a certain area.

d. The concept of biodiversity hotspots.


6. How many biodiversity hotspot areas on Earth are formally recognized by Conservation International?

a. Less than 1%.

b. Less than 3%.

c. Less than 5%.

d. Less than 10%.


7. What is the purpose of recognizing larger geographical units of land and water besides biodiversity hotspots?

a. To identify unique environmental conditions.

b. To protect small pieces of biodiversity.

c. To measure the effects of human activity.

d. To direct resources to endangered areas.


8. How does the video describe hotspots in relation to other endangered areas?

a. They are like representatives for other endangered areas.

b. They are less important than other endangered areas.

c. They have fewer endemic species than other endangered areas.

d. They are independent units that protect biodiversity.


9. According to the video, why is it important to protect the highest number of species?

a. To enhance ecosystem stability and resilience.

b. To attract more funding for conservation efforts.

c. To increase public awareness of biodiversity.

d. To develop better scientific monitoring methods.


10. What is the main message of the video?

a. Biodiversity hotspots are the only areas worth protecting.

b. Conservation efforts should focus on species richness.

c. Hotspots are crucial for monitoring environmental change.

d. Protecting life on Earth requires collective effort.



- True or False

1. Biodiversity hotspots are places on Earth that require special attention and protection.

2. It is possible to save the entire planet all at once.

3. The criteria used to determine biodiversity hotspots include the number of endemic plant species and the amount of lost habitat.

4. Animals are attracted to places where there are plants.

5. An endemic species is a species found in one specific area and nowhere else on earth.

6. If a species becomes extinct in a hotspot area, it can be replaced by similar species from other areas.

7. Less than three percent of the earth's land surface area is represented by biodiversity hotspots.

8. Hotspots are interconnected places on Earth and not just individual units.

9. The hotspot concept aims to protect the highest number of species, especially those that are most threatened.

10. Hotspots serve as a signal to enhance the stability and resilience of ecosystems. 

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