17 dezembro 2023



I used to love to drift along the pale-yellow cornfields, looking for the damp spots one sometimes found at their edges, where the smartweed soon turned a rich copper colour and the narrow brown leaves hung curled like cocoons about the swollen joints of the stem. Sometimes I went south to visit our German neighbours and to admire their catalpa grove, or to see the big elm tree that grew up out of a deep crack in the earth and had a hawk's nest in its branches. Trees were so rare in that country, and they had to make such a hard fight to grow, that we used to feel anxious about them, and visit them as if they were persons. It must have been the scarcity of detail in that tawny landscape that made detail so precious.

CATHER, Willa. My Antonia. Book I, Chapter IV. Available at: www.sparknotes.com/lit/antonia/full-text/book-i-chapter-iv


No trecho acima, do Livro My Antonia escrito por Willa Cather, a autora

a) descreve o lugar onde mora, citando suas belezas e suas dificuldades.

b) faz uma reminiscência do seu passado e do lugar onde passou algum tempo.

c) lamenta não mais poder visitar o lugar na Alemanha onde passou sua infância.

d) descreve em detalhes a fauna e a flora de um local, com método e rigor científico.

e) critica o desaparecimento de um ambiente natural no qual ela viveu bons momentos.



Question: I asked a girl out on a date, but she said she had other plans. Does this mean she doesn't want to date me?

Answer (by Carmel Sileo): Not necessarily, she might in fact have had other plans. Did you ask when she would be available? If she gives you a bunch of excuses, that would be a clue. But if she says something like, “I have plans Friday but I’m free next Tuesday or Sunday,” she’s giving you a clue that she would be OK with setting aside those times for you. Also, did you call close to the end of the week? Some girls won’t accept a date for the weekend if you call on a Thursday or Friday, because it makes them feel like you’re just calling them because you have nothing better lined up.

Available at: www.quora.com/I-asked-a-girl-out-on-a-datebut- she-said-she-had-other-plans-Does-thismean- she-doesnt-want-to-date-me.


Ao convidar a jovem para sair com ele, o rapaz usou qual das perguntas abaixo?

a) “Would you like to go out with me on Friday?”

b) “Did you want to go out with me on Friday?”

c) “Were you interested in going out with me on Friday?”

d) “Will she go out on a date with me next Friday?”

e) “Are you on a date with me on Friday?”



Complete the sentence:

My vacation is over. I ___ get back to work immediately, otherwise I’ll lose my job.

a) may

b) should

c) can’t

d) might

e) must



Associe as frases que possuem o mesmo significado colocando o número correspondente nos parênteses.

1) I think it’s a good idea for me to take a few days off work.

2) the boss ordered me to take a few days off work.

3) I am not tired. It is not necessary for me to take a few days off work.

4) It is impossible for me now to take a few days off work.


(   ) I don’t have to take a few days off.

(   ) I must take a few days off.

(   ) I can’t take a few days off.

(   ) I should take a few days off.


A numeração correta é:

a) 1 – 2 – 4 – 3

b) 2 – 1 – 3 – 4

c) 2 – 4 – 1 – 3

d) 3 – 4 – 3 – 1

e) 4 – 1 – 3 – 2



Climate change has so far cost the global economy trillions of dollars, but low-income countries in tropical regions have borne the brunt of these losses, finds a study that analysed the economic consequences of heatwaves worldwide over a 20-year period.

The research, published on 28 October in Science Advances1, estimates that the global economy lost between US$5 trillion and $29 trillion from 1992 to 2013, as a result of human-driven global warming. But the effect was worst in low-income tropical nations, leading to a 6.7% reduction in their national income on average, whereas high-income countries experienced only a 1.5% average decrease.

Nature Magazine. Available at: www.nature.com/articles/ d41586-022-03573-z


According to the text, low-income tropical countries

a) lost more forests and animals than the richer countries.

b) are the most protected from the effects of global warming.

c) are as impacted by global warming as any other country in the world.

d) were more economically affected by global warming than richer countries.

e) don’t have as many problems with global warming as high-income countries.

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