25 julho 2023


Role play – Meeting other people


You were on a flight to Paris, but because of a technical problem the plane had to stop in Madrid. You and other passengers are in the departure lounge waiting to board the plane again. As you will have to wait for some time, try to get acquainted with the other passengers.

First, create your character. Think of: 

  • your name
  • your nationality / where you come from
  • how old you are
  • your marital status (single, married, divorced)
  • your family (espouse, kids, parents)
  • your job
  • countries you have visited
  • the reason you are going to Paris
  • how you feel about flying


Exchange ideas

When we meet someone for the first time, we usually want to give a good impression, so we show our good qualities and hide the bad ones. Do you consider it a lie?

When people ask how old you are, do you always tell the truth? Why (not)?

What do people usually lie about?

What’s your opinion about the statements below? Do you agree or disagree with them? Totally or partially:

– Everybody lies.

– There are no big lies or little lies. A lie is a lie.

– Men lie more than women

– Women are better liars than men.


- Listen to the results of a study done with American students. Fill in the blanks.



In 2002, Robert S. Feldman, of the University of Massachusetts, secretly videotaped __________________ while they __________________ to a stranger. Later he asked these students to __________________ their tapes and count the __________________ of lies they __________________. He found out that __________________ percent of these students lied at least __________________ during 10 minutes of __________________. In __________________, the students told almost __________________ lies in that period of __________________. Men and women lied with the same __________________, but Feldman found that while __________________ lied to make the stranger feel good, __________________ lied to make __________________ look better.

1. wouldn’t/might not have
2. would/could have
3. could work
4. wouldn’t work
5. would/could live
6. would/could bring
7. would/could have
1. If they could choose, they would live in Australia.
2. If I won the lottery today, I could buy a beach house.
3. If he could be his own boss, he would probably be a restaurant owner.
4. If she spoke more than three languages, she might be a flight attendant.
5. If I mastered a martial art, it would be kickboxing.
Personal answers.

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