19 junho 2023


Text for questions 1 and 2 

Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I was queen of England for almost 45 years. During that time her country became very powerful. Her reign is remembered as the Elizabethan Age.

Elizabeth was born in Greenwich, England, on September 7th, 1533. Her father was King Henry VIII. Her mother, Anne Boleyn, was the second of Henry’s six wives. Henry had Anne Boleyn put to death when Elizabeth was only 3 years old.

Elizabeth had an older half-sister named Mary and a younger half-brother named Edward. Edward became king in 1547 and died in 1553. Mary then became queen. Henry, Edward, and Elizabeth were Protestant, but Mary was Roman Catholic. She made Catholicism the national religion and put Elizabeth in prison for a time.

Mary died in 1558, and Elizabeth was crowned queen of England. She was 25 years old. She had received a good education and was well prepared to rule. Many men wanted to marry her, but she stayed single. This gave her more power, but it also put her cousin Mary Stuart next in line for the throne. Mary Stuart, also known as Mary Queen of Scots, was a Catholic. Elizabeth kept her in prison for many years and then had her killed in 1587.

During the first 30 years of Elizabeth’s reign, England built up its sea power. English ships sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to the West Indies and challenged Spain for control over trade. English sea captains raided Spanish ships, and Elizabeth took a share of the treasure they seized.

King Philip II of Spain struck back in 1588. He sent a great fleet called the Armada to attack England. The queen’s ships defeated the Armada. That victory was a high point of Elizabeth’s reign.

During the 1590’s Elizabeth began to suffer from ill health. She died on March 24th, 1603. Mary Stuart’s son, James VI of Scotland, became king of England.

Available at: https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/Elizabeth-I/353094.



Read the text and choose the correct alternative according to it.

a) Elizabeth I was Henry VIII’s only legitimate daughter.

b) Edward was the king of England for a long time.

c) Mary reigned England for only five years.

d) Elizabeth I and her half-sister Mary I were devoted Catholics.

e) Elizabeth was very young and not prepared to be Queen.



According to the text, Elizabeth I

a) got married several times.

b) built a large navy only to circumnavigate the earth.

c) defeated the invincible Spanish Armada.

d) died when she was 69 years old.

e) protected her cousin, Mary Stuart, when she came to England.



Dear Dish-It,

Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I used to be very good friends with this girl, but now she is all mean to me because she has better and more “popular” friends. Does she hate me or is she just pretending?


Available at: www.kidzworld.com/article/8716-dear-dish-it-we-used-to-be-friends-now-shes-mean.


According to the text, Gurlprincess21’s problem is that she

a) misses her best friend.

b) is in love with her friend’s boyfriend.

c) doesn’t like the girl she used to be friends with.

d) is sure her friend hates her.

e) lost her friend because she isn’t so popular.



Dear Gurlprincess21,

Sorry to hear about your lost friend but try not to take it personally. Some people just grow apart as they grow up. I doubt that she hates you, even though she is being mean and totally uncool. As for the “popular” thing: popularity isn’t everything and people who think it is, are the real losers. Give it time and maybe you guys will reconnect. If not, don’t lose sleep over it because someone who is mean to you and doesn’t treat you well isn’t worth your time and effort. Remember that your friendship is valuable even if she doesn’t get it.

Available at: www.kidzworld.com/article/8716-dear-dish-it-we-used-to-be-friends-now-shes-mean.


According to Dish-It’s advice,

a) the girl should never try to reconnect this toxic friendship.

b) the girls should never be friends again because they hate each other.

c) popularity is very important in a friendship.

d) Gurlprincess21 has a wrong opinion about her friend.

e) the girl should keep calm and not suffer over this problem.



My friends and I _____ (enjoy) my birthday party when suddenly the lights _____ (go) out. I _____  (think) that my brother _____ (try) to scare everyone. I _____ (shout), ‘Switch the lights on!’ but nothing _____ (happen). While we _____ (wait) in the darkness, someone _____ (scream) frighteningly. I _____ (feel) really scared, but luckily it was just a short power outage due to heavy rain and the scary scream came from my little sister who is afraid of the dark.


Choose the alternative that completes the spaces correctly.

a) were enjoying; went; thought; was trying; shouted; happened; were waiting; screamed; felt

b) were enjoying; were going; thought; was trying; shouted; happened; was waiting; screamed; was feeling

c) were enjoying; went; thought; was trying; was shouted; happened; were waiting; was screamed; felt

d) were enjoying; was going; thought; were trying; shouted; happened; was waiting; screamed; felt

e) was enjoying; went; was thinking; was trying; shouted; were happened; were waiting; screamed; felt


Text for questions 6 and 7

Catherine of Aragon, the first wife of Henry VIII

Catherine of Aragon was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1485. Her father was King Ferdinand II of Aragon and her mother was Queen Isabella I of Castille.

She was married to Arthur Tudor, Henry VIII’s older brother. When Arthur died and Henry VIII became King of England, Henry and Catherine married. She was 23 and Henry was nearly 18.

Catherine was thought to have long red hair and blue eyes. She was apparently very beautiful.

During her marriage to Henry VIII, Catherine was pregnant six times. Unfortunately, only one of these pregnancies resulted in a child who survived beyond infancy, Mary I.

Because of this, things began to sour between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon when he began to worry that she wouldn’t be able to give him a male heir. She had a son who died a few hours after birth, another son who died after about two months. After all of this Henry began looking for ways out of the marriage so he could find a younger queen.

Henry VIII became attracted to Anne Boleyn, one of Catherine’s ladies-in-waiting. He set about trying to get the marriage annulled. The Pope refused to annul the marriage and this led to the break from the Roman Catholic Church. Archbishop Cranmer ruled the marriage between Henry and Catherine to be null and void in 1533.

Catherine was sent away from the Royal Court. Her rooms were given to Anne Boleyn, and she lived out the rest of her life in The More Castle and then Kimbolton Castle.

Catherine died on 7th January, 1536. She was buried in Peterborough Cathedral. Henry VIII did not attend and their daughter, Mary (later Mary I) was prevented from attending her mother’s funeral.

Available at: https://primaryfacts.com/325/catherine-of-aragon-facts-about-the-first-wife-of-henry-viii/. (Adapted.)



The main reason why Henry VIII decided to have his marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled was because she

a) was very ugly and unpopular.

b) wasn’t a very good wife to him.

c) wasn’t able to give him a male heir.

d) was very sick.

e) didn’t like him anymore.



Read the text and number the following events in Catherine’s life in the order in which they happened. Then, choose the correct alternative.

(  ) Catherine marries King Henry VIII.

(  ) Catherine was forced to leave the Royal Court.

(  ) Catherine died on 7th January, 1536.

(  ) Mary, Henry and Catherine’s only surviving child, was born.

(  ) Catherine was born in Spain.

(  ) Mary was forbidden by his father to attend her mother’s funeral.

a) 5 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 4

b) 1 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 5

c) 6 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 2

d) 4 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 1

e) 2 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 6


Text for questions 8 and 9

November 15, 2020

I am almost 14 years-old, and my dream is to become an author. I love to write and do it often. But I’m having trouble finding a safe way to get feedback on my writing. My parents won’t let me publish my writing on any website because they don’t like the idea of random people on the internet interacting with me and giving me feedback. I understand that, but I feel bad nagging my friends and family to read my writing, and when I do they barely ever read it and don’t give me much feedback. Do you have any ideas for a safe way to share my writing?

— Addy, 13

Available at: http://www.askdrm.org/col_teens.html.



Addy is a teenager who is

a) asking for advice on how to improve his relationship with his parents.

b) asking for advice on how to convince his parents to value his writings.

c) complaining about the feedback he gets on the internet on his writings.

d) annoyed with his parents because they don’t let him publish his writings.

e) asking for advice on how to safely share his writing and get feedback.



Read the following phrase taken from the text:

“I understand that, but I feel bad nagging my friends and family to read my writing”

Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of “nagging”?

a) Helping

b) Pleasing

c) Bothering

d) Recommending

e) Accepting



When I _____ (arrive) at the party, it _____ (be) already packed with people. Some of them _____ (dance) while others _____ (chat). When I realized that no one _____ (pay) any attention to me, I _____ (decide) to go home. However, just as I _____ (leave) the party, a beautiful girl _____  (walk) through the door and (smile) at me! I _____ (change) my mind immediately…


Choose the alternative that completes the paragraph correctly.

a) was arriving; was; was dancing; were chatting; paid; decided; left; was walking; was smiling; changing

b) arrived; was; were dancing; were chatting; was paying; decided; was leaving; walked; smiled; changed

c) arrived; was being; danced; were chatting; were paying; were decided; was leaving; walked; were smiling; changed

d) were arrived; were; danced; was chatting; paying; decide; were leaving; was walking; smiled; was changing

e) arrived; was; dancing; chatted; paying; was deciding; left; walked; smiled; were changed






















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