08 dezembro 2022


Exercise 1

Who said what? Match the people with the quotations, and then change them into reported speech.

(A) Archimedes                                                        

(B) Descartes                         

(C) George Orwell                                                   

(D) Hamlet                            

(E) John F. Kennedy                                               

(F) John Lennon                  

(G) Julius Caesar                                                      

(H) Martin Luther King


1. (B) I think, therefore I am.

2. (  ) Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.

3. (  ) I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

4. (  ) There is something rotten in Denmark.      

5. (  ) The dream is over.

6. (  ) I have found it!

7. (  ) All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.      

8. (  ) I came, I saw, I conquered.


1. Descartes concluded that he thought, and therefore he was.  

2. ______ told American citizens ______.

3. ______ declared ______.

4. ______ said ______.

5. ______ announced ______.

6. ______ shouted ______.

7. ______ said ______.

8. ______ stated ______.


Exercise 2

Tom Richards and Celia Jones went together to the premiere of their movie Love, indeed, and the reporters grew suspicious. Report what they asked.

George: Are you dating?

Melissa: Have you gotten involved during the shootings?

Peter: When are you going to get married?

Lauren: What can the audience expect from the movie?

Brian: Did you travel together to Cancun?

Ethan : Why don’t you answer our questions?


1. George asked if they were dating.

2. Melissa asked ______.

3. Peter asked ______.

4. Lauren wanted to know ______.

5. Brian insisted in knowing ______.

6. Ethan asked ______.


Exercise 3

Laura and Claire met each other in New York last Saturday. Today is Monday and you’re in Philadelphia. Report their conversation.

Laura: Claire! This is a great surprise. The last time you dropped in was two months ago.

Claire: Yes, I’ve been very busy since I moved to Newark.

Laura: And what are you doing here today?

Claire: I was invited to a costume party tomorrow and I have to buy my costume.

Laura: You came to the right place. We carry a good variety of them.

Claire: I’m sure of it. The store is very well known.

Laura: Do you have anything in mind?

Claire: I thought of dressing as a flamenco dancer. What do you think?

Laura: I like it, and you can take a bullfighter’s costume for your husband.

Claire: Wow! We’ll be the hit of the party.


1. First, Laura said that ______ and then she remembered that ______.

2. Claire told her ______.

3. Then Laura asked Claire ______.

4. Claire explained that ______ and that ______.

5. Laura assured Claire ______ and added that ______.

6. Claire said ______ and admitted that ______.

7. Laura wanted to know ______.

8. Claire, then, told her ______ and asked ______.

9. Laura said ______ and added that ______.

10. Claire got enthusiastic and said ______.

Exercise 4

Choose the correct verb forms according to Jane’s story.


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