13 outubro 2021

READING EXERCISES - Direct and Inverse Ratio

 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the future (will or going to) of the verbs in parentheses.

a) Lara has been training hard. She ___ (run) the San Francisco Marathon next July.

b) ___ (you; do) anything important on Friday evening? Why don’t we go to a movie?

c) Oh, look! There are dark clouds in the sky. It ___ (rain) at any minute now.

Wait here. I ___ (get) an umbrella.

d) The fortune-teller read tarot cards for me and said that I ___ (make) a long trip very soon.

e) Is that the telephone ringing? Ok. I ___ (get) it.


Texto para as questões 2 e 3

“Diamonds are not really a commodity like gold or silver,” a leading New York dealer explained. “You won’t buy a stone from a jeweler and then sell it back to him for the same

price – he’s not going to give up his profit. But they are definitely the easiest way to move value around. I know a guy who had to leave Iran at a moment’s notice during the revolution there. No time to sell his house or get to the bank, but he had time to pick up 30 million dollars’ worth of diamonds and walk away.”

Used by money launderers seeking to turn questionable assets into something better than money, because it can be easily moved and sold everywhere, diamonds are even negotiated by terrorist organizations, like Al-Qaeda.

COCKBURN, Andrew. Diamonds, the real story. Available at: <http://ngm.


Accessed on: Sept. 12th, 2016.


2. Usado como rico adorno e considerado o “melhor amigo de uma garota”, o diamante tem outros usos nem tão estéticos assim. A principal diferença entre o diamante e a prata ou o ouro é que

a) o diamante não serve para fazer joias elaboradas, já que não é um metal.

b) o diamante não é tão cômodo de usar quanto a prata e o ouro.

c) só o diamante é capaz de causar revoluções, como no Irã.

d) o diamante não tem seu valor estabelecido na bolsa de mercadorias.

e) o diamante não dá tanto lucro a curto prazo quanto o ouro e a prata.


3. O texto afirma que diamantes são negociados até mesmo por organizações terroristas. A principal qualidade do diamante em relação a outros investimentos, para os criminosos, é

a) sua beleza.

b) sua durabilidade.

c) seu alto preço.

d) sua lucratividade.

e) sua mobilidade.


 If you’re like most people, you’ve got too much to do and not enough time to do it. The e-mail inbox is always overflowing and the list of to-dos never ends. You always feel that twinge of guilt because you’re never spending quite enough time on what you should be. What’s even more frustrating is that the more you work, the more it seems there is to do. Argh!

So how do we manage the madness?

The challenge is: work fewer hours a week.

If you have a normal 9-to-5 job, you might be thinking “My boss will fire me if I propose working less!” And you’re probably right.

However, you can take the challenge in many diferente ways. Instead of getting into work early and finishing late, tell yourself that you have exactly eight hours to finish all your work for the day. Set a mental barrier at the end of the day and know that you will shut down your computer and pack your bags exactly at five o’clock.

When you tell yourself that you’ve only got a limited amount of time to do a huge amount of things, you’ll find it helps you focus and work faster.

Practical tips

If you want to take the challenge, you’ll find you need to be extremely efficient when you’re working. Here are some tips to help you out:

1. Avoid using instant messaging: It’s a constant source of distraction.

2. Only check your e-mail twice a day: The surest way to waste time is the “send” and “receive” button.

3. Stick to what matters: Take care of the most important stuff first. Don’t waste time on low-priority stuff. (In fact, delete the low priority stuff from your to-do list. It’s

not going to get done anyway!).

4. Ask for alone time: If you need uninterrupted time to get something done, politely notify your co-workers that you’ll be unavailable for a couple of hours.

5. Limit internet time: Set a time limit on your blog reading, e-chatting, twitting etc. Even if you cannot take part in every joke, read all the posts, and send your virtual friends

all your thoughts, move on. They’ll be there tomorrow.

6. Make lists: Write a “to-do” list for each day (on paper if you can bear to tear yourself away from the computer). Put the time-sensitive stuff at the top and be realistic.

Choose three time-intensive things to do and five quick things to do. Make sure you finish all of them before you leave in the evening.

7. Restrict meetings: If you can, restrict the amount of meetings you call, or are involved in. Meetings drag on and can eat into your day. Instead aim for one or two meetings per week and plan them carefully to ensure you cover all important topics and keep on track.

A lot of the constraints and barriers we place on ourselves are completely unnecessary and even worse, keep us from being happy. My hope is that taking the reducedwork challenge will help you enjoy life more and pursue what really matters to you.

CARSON, Ryan. The Four-Day Week Challenge. Available at: <www.alistapart.com/

article/fourdayweek>. Accessed on: Sept. 22nd, 2016.


4. If we draw a graphic representation based on the text, which of the graphs below would reflect the problem stated in the first paragraph, considering that the X represents the impression we have about the daily amount of work to do, while the Y shows the amount of work we actually do?


5. A title usually highlights the main point made by a text. What would be an appropriate title for the text?

a) Life and the internet.

b) Work less and do more.

c) How to remove stress from your life.

d) My list of to-dos never ends!

e) How to hide yourself from your boss.


6. The text gives suggestions for those who want to take the challenge of working less. Which of the tips suggests that we need to stop giving attention to colleagues in order to focus exclusively on the work for a part of the day?

a) Tip 2: Only check your e-mail twice a day.

b) Tip 3: Stick to what matters.

c) Tip 4: Ask for alone time.

d) Tip 5: Limit internet time.

e) Tip 7: Restrict meetings.


7. Considering the last paragraph, it is possible to say that if I feel overwhelmed with too many things to do, and guilty about the things I do not have time to do, I have to blame

a) my boss.

b) the internet.

c) my family and friends.

d) the government.

e) myself.


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