10 outubro 2024


 A. Match the pieces of information about the characters from the episode:

1. Lorelay

( ) chef

( ) middle aged woman

2. Rory

( ) student

( ) is bad humored

3. Michel

( ) her mother has an antique store

( ) likes to read books

4. Miss Patty

( ) hotel attendant

( ) is 32 years old

5. Luke

( ) hotel menager

( ) is clumsy

6. Sookie

( ) has a diner restaurant

( ) is Korean descendent

7. Lane

( ) teaches ballet

( ) is French



B. Interpretation. Read the passages and say what these people wanted to say, or what their intention was when they said the underlined sentences:

1. Lorelai: Hi, Mom.

Emily: Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?

Lorelai: No, I just, uh, finished up my business class and I thought I would stop by.

Emily: To see me?

Lorelai: Yes.

Emily: Well, isn’t that nice. Come in.

Lorelai: Thanks.

2. Joey: You do not look like a mother. And you do not look like a daughter.

Lorelai: That’s possibly very sweet of you.

Joey: So ... daughter. You know I am travelling with a friend...

Lorelai: She’s sixteen.

 Joey: Bye.

Lorelai: Drive safe.

3. Lorelai: What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

Sookie: You can have anything I own. My car! Sell my car!

Lorelai: Oh, sweetie, no one wants your car.

Sookie: Yeah.

4. Rory: How many meals is it gonna take’til we’re off the hook?

Lorelai: I think the deli spread at my funeral will be the last one.

5. Lane: So I told my mom you’re changing schools.

Rory: Was she thrilled?

Lane: The party’s on Friday.


C. Use a dictionary and give synonyms in English for the bold word in this Episode summary

After Rory is accepted to the prestigious Chilton Preparatory School, Lorelai is forced to go to her wealthy parents for financial assistance. Her parents happily loan their daughter the money in exchange for an end to the estrangement and a family dinner every Friday night. Unfortunately, things hit a snag when a cute new transfer student flirts with Rory, leading the younger Gilmore to wonder whether leaving Stars Hollow High is really what she wants.


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