04 outubro 2023



Flowers of Friendship

Tulips pop up every spring in Ottawa – our country’s capital city. These beautiful blooms are a unique thank you gift from the country The Netherlands. Canadian soldiers helped free that country from the Nazi during the Second World War.

We also helped the members of their royal family by inviting Princess Juliana and her daughters to live safely in Ottawa during the conflict. They were given a warm welcome in Ottawa. Dutch Princess Margriet was even born here! The new princess’s name meant “daisy of freedom.”

Daisies grew in the Netherlands during the war and people wore them as a symbol of hope and freedom.

During the war in the Netherlands, it was a difficult time for the people who lived there.

In 1944-1945 the Nazi took control of the country. As a result, more than 7,600 Canadians died in the war while helping to free the Netherlands. But the Dutch people have never forgotten how the Canadian soldiers helped them. They have sent us thousands of tulip bulbs every year since the end of the war as a gift of thanks.

These blooms are a symbol of the international friendship between Canada and the Netherlands that blossomed between the two countries during the Second World War.

Available at: www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/information-for/educators/learning-modules/netherlands/flowers-of-friendship/story.


Read the text and choose the correct alternative according to it.

a) Canadian soldiers fought the Dutch people during the Second World War.

b) During the conflict, the Royal Dutch Family were kept prisoners in Canada.

c) The Dutch royal family took refuge in Ottawa during the Second World War.

d) The Dutch Princess Margriet was 5 years old when she came to Canada.

e) Only a few soldiers died in the war in the 1944-1945.



What do the words in bold refer to in the text?

a) (1) the Canadian soldiers; (2) tulips; (3) in the Netherlands; (4) the Canadian people; (5) the Canadian people.

b) (1) Princess Juliana and her daughters; (2) daisies; (3) in the Netherlands; (4) the Dutch people; (5) the Canadian people.

c) (1) Princess Juliana and her daughters; (2) bulbs; (3) in Canada; (4) the Dutch soldiers; (5) the Dutch people.

d) (1) the members of The Netherlands’ royal family; (2) tulip bulbs; (3) in the Netherlands; (4) the Nazi; (5) the Dutch people.

e) (1) The Dutch Princesses; (2) The Nazi; (3) in Canada; (4) the Dutch people; (5) the Canadian people



Impressionist painters did not paint from their imagination, from literature, history or mythology like most other painters of the 19th century. They painted what they saw in the world around them: the town where they lived, the landscape where they went on holiday, their family, their friends, their studios and the things that were around their home.

Sometimes they were “commissioned” to paint a portrait of someone.

Impressionist painters liked to paint “ordinary” things that were part of everyday life.

They painted women doing the washing and ironing, ballet dancers doing exercises, horses getting ready for a race and a bored-looking waitress serving a customer. Nobody, before the Impressionists, had ever thought that these subjects were interesting enough to paint.

Even though many Impressionist artists painted people, they are thought of mainly for their landscape painting. Impressionist painters were not satisfied with doing some drawings or quick painted sketches outdoors and then making grand pictures in the studio.

Impressionist painters were not satisfied with painting the shape of the land, the buildings and trees. They wanted to capture the light and the weather.

The Impressionist painters looked for a technique to paint landscapes that showed the light and the weather. The light and the weather change all the time. The light of the sun on the landscape changes every minute as the Earth turns. Impressionist painters looked at the works of earlier French artists such as Camille Corot and Gustave Courbet. Courbet often took his paints outdoors and made quick coloured sketches that he could then use to make large paintings in his studio. The Impressionist painters were more interested in the sketches than the finished paintings.

Available at: https://kids.kiddle.co/impressionism.


According to the text, Impressionist painters

a) painted subjects from their imagination.

b) liked painting an event from history or mythology.

c) are famous above all for their landscaping painting.

d) looked for a technique that could be easier to use.

e) were more interested in the finished paintings in their studios.



What do the words “commissioned” and “ordinary”, respectively, mean in the text?

a) unauthorized; superior

b) dismissed; unusual

c) expelled; extraordinary

d) discharged; uncommon

e) requested; normal



Christian: I have a job as a salesman, but I am interested in a new job with a different company.

Matthew: That will save you a lot of money.

Christian: I know! Also, I _______ not have to work at weekends or evenings.

Matthew: Sounds good. But do you like the job you have now?

Christian: I like the people. If I go somewhere new, I _______ have to make friends with everyone again.

Matthew: But I’m sure that won’t be a problem for you.

Christian: And if I _______ (stay) here, I probably _______ (become) the sales manager next year.

Matthew: Really?

Christian: Yes. And if I _______ (become) the manager, then I _______ (earn) a lot of money.

Matthew: That’s a difficult decision... If I were you, I’d keep your present job. But, anyway, I hope you make the right choice. Good luck!


Read the dialogue and choose the alternative that completes the gaps correctly.

a) will; will; stay; will become; become; will earn

b) will; will; will stay; will become; becomes; will earn

c) do; will; stay; will become; will become; will earn

d) will; will; will stay; become; become; earn

e) will; do; stays; become; will become; will earn



Read the following text. 

The Group of Seven

The Group of Seven largely painted in the Canadian wilderness. In the early twentieth century, a group of Toronto artists became friends. They shared a love of traveling and exploring Canada’s landscape. Their paintings were very different from the art of the time, capturing not just how the landscape looked, but how it made the artists feel as well. In 1920, they exhibited their work together for the first time, calling themselves the Group of Seven. While some people were excited by their use of bright colors and rough brushstrokes, others were horrified by their strange styles. It took years for appreciation of their work to grow. But today, the Group of Seven are some of Canada’s best-loved artists.

Available at: www.kidscanpress.com/products/meet-group-seven.


Choose the correct alternative according to it the text.

a) The Group of Seven was a group of the First Nations artists.

b) Their painting style is very similar to the traditional art of the time.

c) These artists devoted themselves to the Canadian landscape painting.

d) People appreciated their work right from the beginning.

e) Their artwork has never been recognized and accepted.



Read the following text about Elon Musk.


Elon Musk is an entrepreneur and businessman from South Africa. Some of the companies that he founded include PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla Motors. Musk is considered the wealthiest man in the world.

Musk was born on June 28th, 1971, in Pretoria, South Africa. His parents divorced when he was only 10, and to escape from his unstable life he became interested in computers and software. He taught himself how to create his own software and when he was 12 years old, he sold his first software – a game he created called Blastar.

At age 17, in 1989, Musk moved to Canada to attend Queen’s University and in 1992 he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, where he received bachelor’s degrees in Physics and Economics in 1997. Musk obtained his Canadian citizenship that year, in part because he felt it would be easier to obtain American citizenship via that path.

Available at: www.biography.com/business-figure/elon-musk.


According to the text, Elon Musk

a) has also been involved in Medicine.

b) bought his first video game when he was 12 years old.

c) was 24 years old in 1989.

d) studied at three different universities in Canada.

e) got his degrees in Physics and Economics when he was 26.



Continue reading the text about Elon Musk.

After this, the Internet boom occurred, and Musk began building his internet businesses.

After leaving university, still in his twenties, Elon Musk helped to create the PayPal company. PayPal was created as a way to send and receive money digitally. This made shopping for goods and services much easier than they had been in the past. In 2002, Musk and other investors sold PayPal for more than a billion dollars. He later went on to create several other companies. In 2004, Musk invested in Tesla, an electric car company, and eventually became its co-founder and CEO. Today, Tesla is well known throughout the world for its innovative technology and is one of the world’s most valuable companies.

Available at: www.biography.com/business-figure/elon-musk.


According to the text, it is correct to say that

a) PayPal is owned by his creator Elon Musk.

b) Sending and receiving money digitally became easier with PayPal.

c) Musk was the only investor who created PayPal.

d) Tesla designs and manufactures space rockets.

e) Tesla is known only in the United States.



Read the following text about Impressionism.

Before Impressionism, most paintings pictured an event from history or mythology. Painters followed strict rules about such things as color and composition (the arrangement of the scene within the painting). The painter’s goal was to perfectly picture a grand scene. Landscapes in art were often imaginary, perfect landscapes painted in the studio.

The impressionists changed all that. They painted outdoors.

As they were outside, they looked at how light and colour changed the scenes. They often painted thickly and used quick (and quite messy) brushstrokes. In most of the paintings before Impressionism, you can’t really see the brushstrokes at all.

Available at: www.tate.org.uk/kids/explore/what-is/impressionism.


According to the text,

a) before Impressionism, painters broke the rules of academic paintings.

b) impressionists painted only imaginary and perfect landscapes in the studio.

c) impressionists painted scenes outdoors and the effect of light on them.

d) brushstrokes are not visible in impressionist paintings.

e) before Impressionism, paintings were characterized by visible brush strokes.



Read the following dialogue.

Sophia: How about going out tonight?

Isabella: Well, I have a big project to finish for my design class. But if I _____ (finish) this afternoon, I _____ (do) something fun as a treat in the evening.

Sophia: That sounds great! The Royal Ballet is performing at the local theater tonight. If it _____ (not be) too expensive, I _____ (buy) the tickets. Would you like to come?

Isabella: Yes, sure!


Choose the alternative that completes the spaces with the verbs in parentheses correctly.

a) finish – will do – isn’t – will buy

b) finish – do – isn’t – buy

c) finish – will do – won’t be – will buy

d) will finish – do – isn’t – buy

e) will finish – won’t do – isn’t – buy 


a) O humor da tirinha consiste em a exagerada alegria de Mafalda pela chegada da primavera se tornar uma reflexão mais profunda

ao perceber que sua felicidade era diminuída em comparação com a conquista de mais um ano de vida pelo senhor idoso.

b) I. Mafalda fica feliz pelo fato de a estação primavera ter chegado.

II. O senhor fica feliz por ele (sujeito) ter chegado à primavera, ter conseguido chegar a mais um ano de vida.

3. a) Preparando a volta à escola. / Preparando a volta às aulas. Foi preciso trocar a palavra ao e inserir à e às, respectivamente.

b) O acento grave em a representa a contração da preposição a com o artigo definido feminino a, indicando a fusão dessas duas vogais.

d) Nesse exemplo, também houve a fusão entre a vogal que é preposição e a outra que é artigo.

6. a) Porque, em filmes, séries e quadrinhos de ficção científica, o encontro de um extraterrestre com um terráqueo muitas vezes é marcado pela ordem “Leve-me a seu líder”, ou seja, essa frase se tornou um clichê.

b) Sim. Porque o alienígena não deseja ser levado a um líder, e sim ao borracheiro, pois o pneu de sua espaçonave está furado.

c) Não se inicia uma frase com um pronome oblíquo átono.


o / ao




ao / à



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