16 agosto 2023



 Do you believe in bad luck? Neil certainly does. He is a pizza boy who works at a pizzeria near his house. One evening, he went __________ at 6 o’clock, got the pizza he was supposed to deliver and the address and came __________ five minutes later, when it started to rain. He was driving __________ a very dark street when he got a flat tire. As was near the address, he decided to go on foot. He passed __________ the house and saw no lights. That was strange, so he jumped __________ the fence to look __________ the window, but there was nobody there. Suddenly a big dog came. Neil climbed __________ a tree and sat __________ a branch. The dog started barking and running __________ the tree. When Neil thought he was safe, the branch broke __________ and he fell __________ with the pizza. While the dog was enjoying dinner, Neil ran __________ and went __________ to the pizzeria. There he discovered the order had been a prank call. Did he have bad luck or what?

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