14 julho 2024


The Beauty and the Beast – A first glance


Netherlands has a very special relationship with the water. If, on the one band, the water is a constant source of threat posed by the risk of floods, it is also the water that gives the country the beautiful postcard scenes formed by the canals that cut its cities.

Holland, as the Netherlands is also known, is located in a low-lying delta where large rivers run into the sea so the land is very vulnerable to storms and tides. After the flood disaster in 1953, when over 1800 people died, the government took strong measures ti prevent the disaster from happening again and that included the building of more dams and higher dikes.

In spite of the problems caused by water, one can’t belp marveling at the beauty of the canals. These waterways, however, are not only a pleasure to the eyes. They have a practical side too. It is through the canals that goods are transported from inland regions to the sea. They are also the yards of thousands who live on houseboats, which, by the way, have become very expensive because of their popularity. In Amsterdam, the canals are used for recreation as well. In winter, when the canals freeze, the Dutch take out their ice skates and glide along them. Unfortunately, due to global warming, the canals rarely freeze now.

1. Fill in the blanks with who, which, whose or whom:

Last Sunday I met Deborah, you know, the girl _____ was overweight and felt embarrassed even to get on a bus? Well, she is much thinner now. She told me she had gone on a diet _____ was really worthwhile. The girl _____ shyness pushed people away in our school has gone. Besides the diet, she also did exercises _____ helped her lose more weight. She also told me that her parents, _____ have always supported her, were really a source of encouragement in the difficult days. Now she is engaged to Jason O’Connor. Do you remember him? He is the guy _____ I used to dream about. Exactly the same guy _____ looks and brains made every girl sigh as he passed by. Anyway, it seems that the wedding will be coming soon. They’ve already bought a house, _____ is simply marvelous. I couldn’t resist it when she invited me to go there. Jason was there, and the couple looked so happy together that it made me wish I could find a partner _____ would make me as happy as they were.


2. Combine the following sentences using who, which, whom or whose. Use commas whenever it is necessary:

a) The girl wanted to talk about cholesterol. I was trying to get away from her.

b) Cholesterol can be activated to form vitamin D. It’s a constituent of all animal fats and oils.

c) People generally develop arteriosclerosis. Their levels of blood cholesterol are high.

d) Those products should be avoided by these people. The cholesterol content of those products is very high.

e) Vegetarianism has attracted many followers all over the world. It is the practice of eating only food from the vegetable kingdom.

f) Most vegetarians oppose the use of both agricultural chemicals and food processing. I talked to them.

g) Purist vegetarians reject all foods derived from animals including dairy products. They are known as vegan.


3. Rewrite the sentences below without changing their meanings:

a) The instructor was wearing blue shorts.

The shorts which the instructor was wearing were blue.

b) Daisy bought vegetables at the supermarket, but they weren’t very fresh.

The vegetables _______________.

c) We met Susan’s boyfriend yesterday and he told us she was sick.

Susan _______________.

d) I was run over by an old lady riding a bicycle.

An old lady _______________.

e) The best book she read was The Catcher in the Rye, written by J. D. Salinger.

The Catcher in the Rye _______________.

4. Complete the sentences with an appropriate relative pronoun; if the omission is possible, use the symbol Ø.

a) Peter, _________ younger brother is five, has an older sister who is 25.

b) The book _________ you gave me is terrific.

c) That is the man _________ house was destroyed by fire.

d) What did you do with the money _________ your mother gave you?

e) The man _________ lives across the street is a dentist.

f) My sister bought a blouse _________ has only two buttons.

g) The girl _________ you met in the park yesterday is my neighbor.

h) A prize was given to the school _________ students collected clothes and food for the homeless.

12 julho 2024











SAC: Serviço de Atendimento ao Consumidor




11 julho 2024


1. Follow the example.

Example: That cap belongs to Tom.

Example: That is Tom’s cap.



a) These yellow ties belong to John.

b) That dark blue suit belongs to my father.

c) This gray T-shirt belongs to his granddaughter.

d) Those old pants belong to Margaret.

e) This expensive restaurant belongs to our parents.

f) This belt belongs to my sister.

g) This plane belongs to Tim and Bob.

h) Those small dictionaries belong to the teacher.

i) That new rickshaw belongs to her cousin.

j) That green umbrella belongs to their mother.

k) This CD belongs to those extroverted girls.

l) That orange doghouse belongs to Rex.

m) This large truck belongs to those funny people.

n) This transport belongs to everybody.



2. Answer the questions using the words given.

a) Whose belt is this? (that handsome boy)

b) Whose dresses did you buy? (Janet and Julie)

c) Whose computer will they use tonight? (Dave and Linda)

d) Whose skirt does she prefer? (Marion)

e) Whose letter did you read? (your sister)

f) Whose pens did they hide? (their neighbors)

g) Whose toy did the kid break? (my cousins)

h) Whose song will we listen to? (Madonna)



3. Answer the questions based on the picture.

a) Whose caps are these?

b) Whose belt is that?

c) Whose earrings are these?

d) Whose sneakers are those?



1. who – which – whose – which – who – who/whom – whose – which – who



a) The girl from who/whom I was trying to get away wanted to talk about cholesterol.

b) Cholesterol, which is a constituent of all animal fats and oils, can be activated to form vitamin D.

c) People whose leves of blood cholesterol are high generally develop arteriosclerosis.

d) Those products, whose cholesterol content is very high, should be avoided by these people.

e) Vegetarianismo, which is the practice of eating only food from the vegetable kingdom, has attracted many followers.

f) People who adhere to vegetarianismo for health reasons believe that meat is harmful to the human body.

g) Most vegetarians who/whom I talked to oppose to the use of both agricultural chemicals and food processing.

h) Purist vegetarians, who are known as vegan, reject all foods derived from animals including dairy products.



b) which Daisy bought at the supermarket weren’t very fresh.

c) , whose boyfriend we met yesterday, is sick.

d) who was riding a bicycle ran over me.

e) which was written by J. D. Salinger, was the best book she read.



a) whose

b) which / Ø

c) whose

d) which

e) who

f) which

g) whom / who / Ø

h) whose



Add the correct questions to the statements below.

a) Everybody went home, ________?

b) Somebody called me, ________?

c) Let’s go for a walk, ________?

d) It’s never too late, ________?

e) Be serious for a moment, ________?

f) Don’t forget to do your homework, ________?

g) Let’s go to Mexico this summer, ________?

h) We never see that actor any more, ________?

i) Nobody phoned, ________?

j) Don’t wear too much makeup, ________?

k) Nothing ever changes, ________?

l) I am exaggerating, ________?

m) Everybody enjoyed the party, ________?

n) Have a new haircut, ________?


a) These are John’s yellow ties.

b) That is my father’s dark blue suit.

c) This is his granddaughter’s gray T-shirt.

d) Those are Margaret’s old pants.

e) This is our parents’ expensive restaurant.

f) This is my sister’s belt.

g) This is Tim and Bob’s plane.

h) Those are the teacher’s small dictionaries.

i) That is her cousin’s new rickshaw.

j) That is their mother’s green umbrella.

k) This is those extroverted girls’ CD.

l) That is Rex’s orange doghouse.

m) This is those funny people’s large truck.

n) This is everybody’s transport.



a) It is that handsome boy’s belt.

b) I bought Janet’s and Julie’s dresses.

c) They will use Dave and Linda’s computer.

d) She prefers Marion’s skirt.

e) I read your sister’s letter.

f) They hid their neighbors’ pens.

g) The kid broke my cousins’ toy.

h) We/You will listen to Madonna’s song.



a) They’re Brianna’s and Linda’s caps.

b) It’s Linda’s belt.

c) They are Brianna’s earrings.

d) They’re Linda’s sneakers.



1. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

a) I have ________ pairs of glasses. (a little / a few)

b) We don’t drink ________ water. (many / much)

c) ________ braids does she wear? (How many / How much)

d) The coach could help ________ overweight people. (a little / lots of)

e) Daniela has ________ time to take care of her appearance. (many / very little)

f) He has ________ freckles on his nose. (little / few)

g) I didn’t see ________ boys with long hair downtown. (many / much)

h) I would like ________ sugar in my coffee. (a little / a lot)


2. Fill in the blanks with how much, how many, many, much, a few, or a little.

a) A: ________ chocolate did you eat yesterday?

B: Well, I didn’t eat ________ chocolate, just .

b) A: ________ tomatoes did you need to make the salad?

B: I didn’t need ________ tomatoes. I needed just ________.

c) A: ________ friends did Bruce meet at the party?

B: He didn’t meet ________ friends, just ________.

d) A: ________ time do we still have to finish this exercise?

B: We don’t have ________ time, just ________. Let’s hurry up.


3. Look at the different world breakfast tables. Based on them, create questions using How many and How much. Give answers using a lot of, lots of, a few, a little.

• croissants • butter • eggs • muffins • cereal • juice

• cheese • bagels with cream cheese • tea

• sausage • fruits • jam jar • bread • cake

a) didn’t they

b) didn’t they

c) shall we

d) is it

e) will you

f) will you

g) shall we

h) do we

i) did they

j) will you

k) does it

l) aren’t I

m) didn’t they

n) will you


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