25 março 2023



Choose the best option to describe the boy’s feelings about going back to school.

a) In August 2019, the boy looks scared but calm.

b) In August 2020, the boy looks stressed and anxious.

c) In both years, 2019 and 2020, the boy looks bored and sleepy.

d) In both years, 2019 and 2020, the boy looks alert and insecure.

e) In both years, 2019 and 2020, the boy looks enthusiastic and confident.



Across Europe, children are returning to school


Primary and secondary schools started the academic year across the regions in the first three weeks of September.

School attendance is mandatory, as are face masks in class for children aged six and over. Students must wash their hands at least five times a day. Social distancing must be observed, except among members of a “bubble”, a small group of children who must distance from members of other bubbles. Temperature checks are carried out each morning, at school or at home.


Schools reopened gradually from April 27.

Children are not required to wear face masks and school hours remain largely unchanged.

Online learning is no longer an option. Classmates stick together and do not mix at school with members of other cohorts. During breaks, each class is assigned a different area of the playground. Break times are also staggered. Children with symptoms must stay home and be tested for COVID infection. In kindergartens, children can attend even if they have a sniffle but must stay home if symptoms are more serious.

Available at: https://time.com/5885554/europe-schools-reopening-germany-scotland-norway/.

According to the text:

a) Masks are also compulsory in Norwegian schools.

b) In Norway, schools reopened well before schools in Spain.

c) In Spanish schools, social distancing need not to be observed.

d) All of the class in Norway get together in the same area during breaks.

e) In Spain, face masks in class are compulsory for kids of all ages.



My groundhog day

By Izzy Perry 8LVD

So I’m in quarantine. That sounds really bad, doesn’t it? This is what I have been doing to not be bored whilst stuck at home.

Well, I obviously wake up first, don’t I? I then sneak downstairs to watch Netflix before my parents start working, otherwise, the WiFi will kick them off their important phone calls.

When my family finally wake up, it’s decision time. Do I use my one emptier day by walking Max the dog; or do I use it to stay fit by going for a run? I can’t do both at the same time because Max would just bark or trip me up!

My phone starts to buzz with notifications from Show My Homework about work I need to complete. I had better get on with that! The one thing I do miss about school, though, is socialising with my friends and team sports.

Available at: https://www.emanuel.org.uk/a-day-in-the-life-of-quarantine-pupils-tales/.



Groundhog day: a situation in which a series of unwelcome or tedious events appear to be recurring in the exactly same way.

Whilst: while.


Izzy is a teenager talking about a day during his quarantine. Apart from watching Netflix before his parents start working, he is in doubt about what to do, so he decides to

a) study with his parents at home.

b) watch Netflix all day long to pass the time.

c) call all his teachers and friends he misses a lot.

d) finish his homework when he gets a notification.

e) walk his dog and run at the same time to stay fit.



Toronto is the largest city in Canada. It is also the capital of the province of Ontario. It is the cultural, trade, and financial center of the country. It was founded in 1834 by John Graves Simcoe.

Toronto is located on the northern shore of Lake Ontario, in the far southern part of the province. It has a very diverse population. People from all over the world live in the city and contribute to its lively culture. The city has many museums, theaters, and music centers, including the Royal Ontario Museum and the Ontario Science Centre. Toronto is also home to several major sports teams.

Parks and gardens can also be found throughout the city. Several small islands in the lake are part of the parks system. Ferry service connects the city to the Toronto Islands.

Toronto is a major trade center because of its location on Lake Ontario. The lake is one of the five Great Lakes of North America. Ships can bring goods to and from other major ports throughout the Great Lakes. They can also reach the Atlantic Ocean by traveling through the water route known as the Saint Lawrence Seaway.

On April 19, 1904, a Toronto fire decimated downtown Toronto and took with it over 100 buildings in the industrial and commercial area but it was rebuilt quickly.

Many banks and other financial institutions have their headquarters in and around Toronto. It is the 2nd largest financial center in North America.

Available at: https://www.livingin-canada.com/living-in-toronto.html. (Adapted.)


Choose the correct alternative according to the text.

a) Toronto is the smallest city in Canada.

b) There are no people from other nations living in Canada.

c) It was founded by John Graves Simcoe in the 18th century.

d) Toronto is one of the largest financial center in North America.

e) After the fire, in 1904, it took a long time for the area to be rebuilt.



Read the following paragraph about a famous opera singer.

My husband and I _______ (plan) to spend the weekend on the beach with the kids. I _______ (pack) basic items, such as, sunscreen, sunglasses, bathing suits, hats, etc. for everyone. The kids _______ (love) the sea, so we _______ (go) to the beach every year. My mother _______ (not like) beaches and she _______ (think) we’re crazy. We _______ (have) a big car, so my husband _______ (prepare) it for the trip right now. It isn’t a long trip, but he _______ (check) the car’s fluid levels, brakes, tires, and anything else that might cause us problems.


Now, choose the alternative that completes it correctly.

a) planning; is packing; love; go; don’t like; think; have; preparing; checks.

b) are planning, am packing, love, go, doesn’t like; thinks, have, is preparing, is checking.

c) plan, pack, love, going, doesn’t like thinks, have, is preparing, checking.

d) is planning, packing, love, is going, don’t like thinks, is having, prepares, is checking.

e) are planning, am packing, is loving, go, doesn’t like; thinks, has, is preparing, am checking.

Text for questions 6 and 7

Naysha, 16: Looking forward to a better year

Naysha Guerrero maintained a strong academic record all the way through her first year in high school. Nothing prepared her, however, for how disconnected she would feel when all her classes went online. “None of my teachers understood that I was struggling. They thought I was lazy,” she says. By spring of 2021, burned out from a year of online classes, her ability to focus or do homework vanished.

Naysha’s parents reminded her she was a strong student in a bad situation and the situation wouldn’t last forever. Their reassurance helped her feel better, but didn’t help her grades. Looking forward to her junior year helped. “I thought, I’ll be back in school, in person. I can get my grades back up and prepare for college.” News of the Delta variant makes her nervous, but she is determined to stay positive.

Naysha’s back-to-school advice

“If you need help, ask for help. I was never the kind of student who needed help, but my friends who asked for help did a lot better.” Whether classes are in person or online again this fall, Naysha plans to take this advice to heart.

Avaliable at: https://answers.childrenshospital.org/back-to-school-2021/. Access on: dez 9th 2021.


According to the text, Naysha

a) was ready to start remote learning.

b) was considered lazy by the teachers.

c) adapted to the new way of learning soon.

d) asked for help during her virtual classes.

e) stayed focused on her online classes.



During remote learning, Naysha’s parents

a) thought she was a weak student.

b) helped her to improve her grades.

c) didn’t support her mental and emotional health.

d) made her more nervous about the Delta variant.

e) reminded her that the situation was only temporary.


Text for questions 8 and 9

Toronto’s CN Tower

The CN Tower is a 553 meters high concrete communications and observation tower located in the city’s downtown core of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Built on the former Railway Lands, it was completed in 1976. It is one of Canada’s most famous landmarks.

Its name “CN” originally referred to Canadian National, the railway company that built the tower.

Although the tower is now one of the city’s major tourist attractions – boasting a gravity-defying glass floor, a thrill-seeker’s dream on the EdgeWalk and gourmet cuisine in a revolving restaurant – the tower which once held the world’s tallest free-standing structure title had practical beginnings.

The CN Tower was built with the purpose of fixing a telecommunications issue that started to be seen after the building boom began and there were taller buildings being built. Radio waves that used to travel at lower levels across the city began to be interrupted by new slabs of concrete and steel structures. The ability to communicate and receive signals was being interrupted – not a good sign for a budding city.

The CN Tower was also built to act as a radio tower to help solve this communications issue. Once it was completed Toronto was often regarded as having the clearest reception for radio, television and communication waves in all North America.

Avaliable at: www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/cn-tower-beginnings-1.4249393. (Adapted).


Slabs of concrete: lajes de concreto.

A budding city: uma cidade emergente.



According to the text, the CN Tower was constructed by the

a) American Army.

b) Canadian Army.

c) Toronto Dominion.

d) Canadian National Railway.

e) Railway Lands.



What was the main purpose of the CN Tower?

a) To build an iconic landmark unlike any other.

b) To improve telecommunications and radio signals in Toronto.

c) To be the greatest tourist attraction in Toronto.

d) To be an observation tower.

e) To be the world’s tallest free-standing structure.


Last summer I _______ (go) on holiday to the Beach Park Resort situated in Porto das Dunas in the Metropolitan region of Fortaleza, Ceará. I _______ (stay) there for seven nights. I _______ (spend) every morning on the beach. In the afternoons I _______ (visit) interesting places and I _______ (take) a lot of beautiful photos. During my stay there I _______ (try) the local specialities. I enjoyed the holiday very much because the weather _______ (be) hot and sunny and I _______ (can) relax a lot.


Choose the alternative that completes the text correctly.

a) went; staied; spend; visited; taked; tried; were; could

b) went; stayed; spended; visit; took; tried; was; could

c) goed; stayed; spent; visited; take; tryed; was; could

d) went; stayed; spented; visited; tok; trieded; was; cold

e) went; stayed; spent; visited; took; tried; was; could

Dia da Marmota é um festival que acontece anualmente na cidade de Punxsutawney, na Pensilvânia e se tornou famoso mundialmente com o filme Feitiço do Tempo (1993). A data é comemorada no dia 2 de fevereiro e, de acordo com a tradição centenária, as marmotas têm o poder de prever a duração do inverno.

Para saber se o verão chegará logo ou se o inverno irá durar mais, basta observar a marmota. Se o animal sair da toca por causa do tempo nublado, o inverno terminará cedo. Já se o dia estiver ensolarado, o animal se assustar com a própria sombra e voltar para a toca, o inverno ainda durará mais seis semanas.

A tradição nasceu na cidade porque dizem que ali vivia uma marmota considerada a melhor previsora do tempo de sua espécie, chamada pelos moradores locais de Phil. Segundo os moradores locais, ela viveu mais de 100 anos, embora a expectativa de vida de uma marmota é de 6 a 10 anos.























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